Speciality Glutathione IV Infusion Therapy in Woodlands Texas

Glutathione Drip
IV Therapy

Glutathione (GSH) is often referred to as the body's master antioxidant. Composted of three amino acids - cysteine, glycine, and glutamate - glutathione can be found in virtually every cell of the human body. The highest concentration of glutathione is in the liver, making it critical in the body's detoxification process. Glutathione is also an essential component to the body's natural defense system. Viruses, bacteria, heavy metal toxicity, radiation, certain medications, and even the normal process of aging can all cause free-radical damage to healthy cells and deplete glutathione. Glutathione depletion has been correlated with lower immune function and increased vulnerability to infection due to the liver's reduced ability to detoxify.
Without regular ingestion, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) levels drop rapidly and can produce hidden effects, long before major signs of scurvy appear. Otherwise unexplained fatigue, malaise, or “mind fog” may in reality be symptoms of vitamin C depletion.

Deficiency of Glutathione puts the cell at risk for oxidative damage. An imbalance of Glutathione is present in many pathologies including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, cystic fibrosis (CF), HIV and aging.

B12 - Methylcobalamin

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that’s crucial for many vital metabolic and hormonal functions — including the production of digestive enzymes and carrying important nutrients into and out of cells. Due to how it helps convert and synthesize many other compounds within the body, it’s needed for well over 100 daily functions. Some of the roles that are attributed to vitamin B12 include: red blood cell production, DNA/RNA synthesis, methylation and producing the coating of the nerves.

Glutathione and immune function:

Glutathione plays a significant role in immune function. It encourages the T-cell function that’s essential for a healthy immune system and protects from environmental toxins.Additionally, glutathione is essential in a broad range of metabolic processes:
  • Glutathione acts to neutralize a toxic metabolic byproduct: Methylglyoxal
  • Glutathione is involved in the protein disulfide bond rearrangement that is necessary for the synthesis of one third of the body’s proteins
  • It protects the body from the oxidative damage caused by glutathione peroxidase by acting as a helper molecule for certain enzymes
  • The liver uses Glutathione to help detoxify fats before the gallbladder emits bile, supporting healthy digestion

Glutathione to remove and detoxify carcinogens:

Glutathione may also be crucial in the removal and detoxification of carcinogens, and according to recent studies alterations in this metabolic pathway, can influence cell survival profoundly. Glutathione may be responsible for several vital roles within a cell besides antioxidation:
  • Maintenance of the redox state (chemical reactions in which the oxidation state of atoms are modified)
  • Modulation of the immune response
  • Detoxification of foreign bacteria and viruses

Glutathione and chronic disease:

Research has demonstrated that glutathione deficiency may be a factor in many chronic conditions; HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, different cancers, cataracts, macular degeneration, open angle glaucoma, diabetes, and many diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, and digestive system.

Additionally, alpha-lipoic acid may help reduce blood levels of several inflammatory markers, including IL-6 and ICAM-1. Alpha-lipoic acid has also reduced inflammatory markers in multiple studies in heart disease patients.

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