Micronutrient testing is a next-generation blood test for measuring specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino/fatty acids, and metabolites within an individual's white blood cells (lymphocytes). Scientific evidence shows that analyzing the white blood cells provides the most accurate analysis of a body's deficiencies and how they affect cellular function in a person.However, what does this mean for you?
At Intra|V, we can administer over 70% of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids in a custom IV that has been specially formulated for your bodies exact needs. We can customize an IV Drip or treatment plan to optimize your nutrient levels, offer recommendations on foods and supplements to maintain optimal health and wellness.
Energy levels
Immune health
Bone health
Because, each of us is metabolically and biochemically unique, the micronutrient requirements for one person may be quite different from the requirements of another.
Although you may eat a balanced diet, you may have micronutrient deficiencies if you do not properly absorb vitamins, minerals and/or antioxidants.
Health conditions such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue and multiple sclerosis can be affected, directly or indirectly, by micronutrient deficiencies.
Our micronutrient requirements at age 20 are quite different from our requirements at ages 40, 50, and beyond. Reduced absorption (for example, B12) is common as we age.
Excessive physical activity, prescription drugs, smoking, alcohol, sedentary habits, and physical, emotional & environmental stressors all impact micronutrient status and demand.
How well are you absorbing your oral vitamins? Have you ever thought about what vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids and antioxidants your body is missing? Intra|V offers Micronutrient Testing. This test is an intracellular white blood cell test that determines what you are deficient in. The Micronutrient test is a better indicator of long-term deficiencies over a regular serum blood test.
These micronutrients enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones and other substances essential for proper growth, development and good health. Most people who take the test are borderline or deficient in 5-6 out of the 33 that we test for…. What do you think your body is missing out on and how does that affect you?
SpectraCell Laboratories is a leading clinical laboratory specializing in personalized disease prevention and management solutions. Their pioneering intracellular micronutrient and cardiometabolic testing, driven by state-of-the-art technology, assesses a spectrum of risk factors and biomarkers for optimum wellness.
At Intra|V, we feel that SpectraCell testing is an integral part of optimizing your health outcomes by facilitating the prevention and early detection of deficiency and disease. This tests help you to address multiple areas of your specific needs including micronutrient status, cardiovascular health, metabolic risk, inflammation and hormone health – in short, many of the functional components that comprise total health and general wellness. Testing with SpectraCell allows you to monitor the impact of treatment and the health choices you make over time, which is critical for identifying and restoring metabolic inadequacies, attenuating dysfunction, and optimizing health.